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Neptune Mythology and Astrology - Excerpts from Dangerous Love, Sacred Love

In the beginning there was nothing but water; the vast primal sea gave birth to all. This is the chaos, the undifferentiated dark water, from which Gaia herself emerged and the wild kingdom Neptune eventually inherited – or stole, alongside his brothers Jupiter and Pluto - from his father, Saturn. Like the ocean itself (and the entire water cycle), Neptune is impossible to fully contain or to describe with any clear sense of who or what he is. We all have our theories and research and opinions, but in reality we are as clueless about Neptune as we are about what truly lurks deep in the depths of the sea. Like many before me, I will try to shine a light down into the darkness of the deep waters and share oceanic treasures…and possibly a sea monster or two.


There are conflicting views regarding Neptune’s background and how he came to be associated with the ocean, earthquakes, and especially horses. What is generally agreed upon is that over the centuries the Roman god Neptune became closely associated with the Greek god Poseidon to such an extent that the names are often used interchangeably; yet, the conflict in origin afflicts both gods...



The Expectations of Neptune in Love


Neptune in our charts denotes our direct connection to Higher Spirit, to God, and is also our weak spot where we can become lost and hide our true self from Spirit – perhaps because we are not yet ‘worthy’ of such a high honor, or feel we are not due to the karmic burdens and thought patterns we carry with us from lifetime to lifetime. To say that Neptune symbolizes the God-head in our charts may take it too far for many, but to me, it isn’t questionable to make this statement. We are all sparks of the Universe, of God, and Neptune shows where we can connect and draw in (or send out to) the energy of the collective…it is our personal ‘psychic line’ straight to every other Soul and entity in existence. This may be difficult to grasp in association with the Neptune we interpret in our astrology charts - that sneaky, illusive, addicted creature who turns us into escape artists or visionary poets, depending on the day (and the aspects). The general conception – or misconception - of Neptunian energy is an unbalanced one…this is the view of Neptune through the human experience...



Deception, Betrayal, Unbounded Unity


When the fears rise up from the depths and engulf the Neptune person who is involved in a serious, emotion-based relationship, destruction is sure to follow. It could be an earthquake, a tidal wave, torrential downpours leading to a flood, or a steady but dangerous leak gradually eroding the foundation of the ‘home;’ no matter the choice of weapon, the ultimate outcome is a painful, subversive severing of the relationship. Why? Because the Neptune person wasn’t strong enough, centered enough, within himself to develop an identity of his own. Without a true individual foundation on which to build and share himself with a partner, the base of the relationship was never equal or stabilized. The Neptune person becomes too dependent on his partners and then fears losing himself – or the partner – so severing is used as a tool of selfprotection. Ironically, there is no ‘self’ available to protect and so before long Neptune will have a new partner or a new love (music, drugs, wine, dance, movie-making) to merge into...






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