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The Saturn Neptune Connection in Karmic Love Relationships - Order eBook

The Saturn-Neptune Connection in Karmic Love Relationships


By Dena L Moore, Intuitive Evolutionary Karmic Astrologer and Venusian Metatron Channel


The original article first appeared in the Australian Wellbeing Astrology Guide. The article here is a shorter version of the original.


NOTE: Not all Saturn and Neptune contacts are karmic in nature. Not all relationships with a Saturn and Neptune contact will be karmic or will manifest as written below. I’ve briefly explained how to determine if a Saturn-Neptune connection is a karmic contact below under the section “The Primary Karmic Saturn-Neptune contacts to look for in the Synastry Chart.” There will always be naysayers on astrology forums (discussing my stolen, printed without my permission, article) saying that this aspect doesn’t exist, it doesn’t mean anything, it is generational. These people do great emotional and spiritual harm to the many who are experiencing and living through these relationships first-hand. The article begins below…


So, you've met before...and not only that, but you have been lovers at least once in the past, if not many times over. When your eyes met for the first time, you knew he or she was the one. But wait, the lightning can and does strike even without seeing each other! In the Age of Aquarius, karmic lovers are meeting on the web without even the benefit of a picture at first. Yet the lightning strike is so powerful, so consuming, so intense, you fall and you fall hard.


Then reality strikes. One or both of you are married. You live thousands of miles apart. There are children, or perhaps an illness, involved. No matter what the complications, and there are bound to be plenty, you know that somehow you and lover must be. You feel it in your very soul. It is a deep and painful longing, a longing no one else in the world can understand unless they, too, share a Saturn-Neptune connection with a karmic lover.


Does it read like a tragedy waiting to happen? Romeo and Juliet? Tristan and Isolde? Guinevere and Lancelot? Chances are, for all of these couples, if we could erect a synastry chart for them, would have a Saturn and Neptune connection.


If there is a distinct karmic Saturn-Neptune connection within the Synastry chart, it is quite likely that the Saturn-Neptune connection also touches the Sun, Moon, Venus, or Mars in both of the partner's individual charts. These relationships appear to offer both Heaven and Hell to the people involved in them. I consider these types of relationships ‘dangerous loves.’ There are 'safe' loves and 'dangerous' loves, and by dangerous I do not necessarily mean violent or abusive relationships, but rather relationships that cause great internal fear. The safe loves are easy to manage and allow a person to work freely and go about their business. The dangerous loves are consuming and passionate, yet frightening. The dangerous loves are often relationships with heavy karma, and the very essence of the Saturn-Neptune connection is one that suggests that the two people have come together to heal and evolve as individuals.


If you are working on a Synastry chart and you find this connection between two people, look for the deeper ties to the personal planets. By noting and examining the ties to the personal planets, you can obtain some idea of how the current relationship is manifesting for each individual and how they can approach the healing that needs to take place in the current life. The lovers meet again to clear negative karma and to rekindle their love, however briefly the actual relationship may last. If a person finds this passionate love in the current life but runs from it, he or she is running from their own personal evolution. We will learn the most from our dangerous relationships.


The Primary Karmic Saturn-Neptune contacts to look for in the Synastry Chart:


The opposition is the most prominent karmic Saturn-Neptune connection. Of course a person could have this contact with many people of about the same age, so it is necessary to note the houses and the inner planet contacts that Saturn and Neptune make as well. Saturn or Neptune is usually in a 'karmic' house: 1st, 4th, 8th, 10th, 12th (these are the houses I personally use; other astrologers may consider other houses as karmic). Occasionally it may be found that the Sun, Moon, Venus, or Mars is in a karmic house and in a close configuration with the Saturn/Neptune connection. Use an orb under 3 degrees for the peripheral karmic house contact if neither Saturn or Neptune is in one of the above houses. If either Saturn or Neptune is in a karmic house, I would consider aspects with an orb as wide as 10 or even up to 12 degrees, depending on the other planets involved. The contact to the inner planets can be major or 'minor' challenging contacts, including the conjunction, square, semisquare, and sesiquadrate. The sextile and semi-sextile should be considered as well. The more fluent trine can be significant, especially if in a karmic house but it will usually indicate an easier relationship rather than a desperate loss. Follow your intuition and trust your own judgment when working with the Saturn-Neptune connection.


The square between Saturn-Neptune in the Synastry chart can indicate a karmic lover relationship, but the lovers have not usually lost one another through their other words, their relationship didn't cause or contribute to the loss/death of one or both partners as can be the case with the Saturn-Neptune opposition in a karmic house touching a planet or light in both individual nativities. The square more often indicates that there were difficult circumstances in the past that the two individuals failed to handle appropriately and they will once again face a similar situation together. Their incompetence may have cost lives, particularly if they were involved in the medical profession or were military leaders. This configuration can appear when both partners need to work toward a goal that will benefit mankind. It can become a driving force behind a team dedicated to helping others. The square will often be strong enough to hold the two people together if they are able to focus the energy outside the relationship rather than within it. The fear that lingers so deeply with the conjunction and opposition could manifest within the relationship with the Saturn-Neptune square, but it isn’t likely to be as strong nor focused within the relationship. For instance, meeting the other person could bring up unknown fears and insecurities within each individual, but they will not be fearful of the other person. Instead, they may come to lean on the other to offer support and help them overcome the new fears as they develop. Fear of professional success or health maladies may be brought to the forefront through the connection. For example, one partner may be scared to take a risk in order to make more money or gain prestige in his or her profession while the other partner develops allergies or begins to worry excessively about cancer or another terrible disease.


The trine is typically easier and while it may still indicate a loss of one another through a love relationship, it usually shows a loss that was natural, either through disease or simply old age. This karmic Saturn-Neptune connection will not be as complicated, draining, or as important as one with a conjunction, opposition, or square. They will likely feel that sense of knowing one another on a deep level quite immediately, but the fear will not be there to undermine the potential of a long-term relationship. I wouldn’t consider a Saturn Neptune trine in the Synastry chart as an indicator of a dangerous love. Keep in mind that the dangerous loves will bring greater challenges and offer a more significant opportunity for soul growth and healing at the same time. A Saturn-Neptune trine, even if placed in the karmic houses, will not be powerful enough to bring a couple together, but if it is there, be sure to look at the other contacts between the charts to determine how the trine could help or hinder the relationship.


Working with Synastry can offer amazing insights into Saturn-Neptune relationships and while explaining the difficulties inherent in these relationships can bring pain, especially if you must tell a person that Saturn is stronger and that the relationship may not manifest in the current incarnation, it can also bring about understanding and help the person who is hoping for a reconciliation to learn to let go and move forward. The bliss that seems to be promised by the Saturn-Neptune connection in a relationship is not guaranteed, indeed, the lessons learned by engaging with a person who connects to you in this manner may be more important in the long run than experiencing the heaven of being in his or her arms.


If you'd like to dive deeper (much deeper!) into the Karmic Saturn and Neptune connection, please read the excerpts from my book Dangerous Love, Sacred Love: The Dance of Saturn & Neptune in Karmic Love Relationships or download a copy of the entire book here




Table of Contents - click the links to read excerpts




How to determine the karmic ties of the Saturn & Neptune Connection…....9

Karma and Reincarnation…………………………………13

Karmic relationships……………………………………… 17

Seeking the Soul-awakening Partner…………………     23

Love Transcends the Earthly Realm……………………   24

Butterflies: A symbol of a Saturn-Neptune Relationship...40

Saturn - Mythology & Astrology…………………………… 61

The Expectations of Saturn in Love………………………   71

Erecting Walls, Creating Defenses (Saturn Retrograde)… 74

Differences in Expression: Saturn Direct & Saturn Retrograde……...80

Disillusionment & Developing Compassion……………… 82

Neptune - Mythology & Astrology (Development of an Enigma)………...89

The Expectations of Neptune in Love……………………    119

Deception, Betrayal, Unbounded Unity……………………  122

Saturn – Neptune in Relationship…………………………… 126

Predator or Prey?......................................................................126

The Lover – giving love to the Beloved &

The Beloved – seeing Self through Lover’s Gaze……………131

Defying Fear, Developing Perception ……………………… 133

The transpersonal in the interpersonal: longing for transformation..137

When it doesn’t work out………………………………………139








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