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Saturn Mythology and Astrology - Excerpts from Dangerous Love, Sacred Love

Death and reincarnation both lie firmly within Saturn’s territory. Death, like Saturn, is a paradox, posing both the problem and the solution. There is a duality inherent in Saturn and his mythology that is so attuned to the cycle of Life and Death that there is little doubt as to why Saturn is often depicted as a grim reaper. Most of us fear death, which leads to anxiety and avoidance as we erect barriers and sometimes take extreme precautions to prevent it or turn our eyes and hearts away when others are experiencing death instead of offering our support. Yet, death is a transition and a passage to a new way of being, a new life, whether figuratively or literally. Without death we would have no need to reincarnate, to be ‘born again’ or experience a ‘resurrection.’ We would find ourselves trapped in a body from which we could not escape, living eternally in a deteriorating or potentially damaged shell. Death is also the solution, as he cuts our Soul out of the tomb of the body and frees us in Spirit, eventually offering a new opportunity to incarnate and be born again...



The Expectations of Saturn in Love


Saturn is the most important planet when it comes to creating a long-term relationship. Venus may attract the partner, Mars may pursue, but Saturn is the only planet capable of binding two Souls together. Without Saturn, a relationship will not exist for long…and, true to the duality of his nature, Saturn is also the planet which inhibits the very formation of a relationship. The higher purpose of joining in a relationship with another Soul is for soul-growth. Of course, most of us do not look across the room, recognize a soul-connection, and then immediately think, “Wow, this person is here to help me overcome past karma and learn about myself so that I can fulfill my potential.” No, instead we feel the chemistry and experience a hormonal response that draws us close to the person, like a moth to the flame, urging us to explore the attraction and discover who they are and who they could become in our lives. Our bodies speak first, making us aware that there is chemistry with the other person. It is a physiological response beyond our control. What we do about the attraction and our response...



Seeking the Soul-awakening Partner


We all long to experience a wildly romantic love, a love that will transform our lives and make us something more than what we are. Deep inside we long to meet our Mystery Lover, that perfect, sought-after dream lover we fantasize about in the deepest recesses of our imaginations. Through our desire for our Mystery Lover, we seek an unattainable Soul awakening partner who is made up of several disjointed aspects of our own inner lover. Our longing for our Mystery Lover is, in part, an effort to gain a new awareness of our Soul’s deepest desire. Saturn – Neptune contacts between two people who also share an erotic attraction magically invokes the essence of the Mystery Lover. As unconscious aspects of our being are stirred through the Saturn-Neptune relationship, we are flooded with new life. We catch a glimpse of the Goddess Aphrodite (Venus) and Eros through the interactions we share with these karmic partners. The realization that love can be deeper and more profound than anything previously imagined allows us to envision our dream lover as alive, incarnated in body, and suddenly attainable. Our longing for a Soul-Union, that sacred connection of our Soul to the Soul of another, appears to become possible and stirs us to pursue this deeply felt love for another despite our present circumstances....



Erecting Walls, Creating Defenses – Saturn Retrograde


Individuals who have Saturn retrograde in their natal charts experience Saturn differently than those who have Saturn direct and may suffer through several challenging relationships or face many rejections before a relationship is firmly established. Relating and learning to relate is a lifelong challenge for those with the retrograde Saturn as their ability to draw and maintain boundaries is impaired, as is their self-esteem. In other words, instead of entering into the relationship fray on equal footing, those with Saturn retrograde are still trapped inside the womb of the earth and must go through the process of castrating the inner (and often external and literal) negative ‘father’ before they are able to spring free and rule their own world. For a person with Saturn retrograde in the natal chart, intimacy fears are enormous. They may have an easy time connecting with others (depending on other factors in their chart) and they could be very friendly and seemingly outgoing, but if you take a closer look you will soon realize that the Saturn retrograde person gets along fabulously with strangers or ‘new’ friends but tends to shut off - castrate - those who grow to love him or her or anyone who gets close enough to notice the fine cracks in the façade the native presents to others...




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